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DateServiceSpeakerSeriesTitle/Subject & Play/Download
2/26/25WNRichard ScheerAs We Experience The Life Of Christ Together Play
2/23/25SNRichard ScheerThe Mosic Worship Building ProgramPlay
2/23/25SWRichared ScheerHow did Joseph become a type of ChristPlay
2/12/25WNRichard ScheerLifePlay
2/9/25SNSeth Stokes Missionary updatePlay
2/9/25SWRichard ScheerSatans DevicesPlay
2/5/25WNRichard ScheerFamily Life Begain With The Word of LifePlay
2/2/25SNRichard ScheerThe Hero Has FallenPlay
2/2/25SWRichard ScheerWhich of Them Will Love Him MostPlay
1/29/25WNRichard Scheer1 John IntroPlay
1/26/25SWRichard ScheerHow Faith was Demonstrated by Everything Except Her HandsPlay
1/19/25SNRichard ScheerGod's Promise and Abrams ObediancePlay
1/19/25SWRichard ScheerGod's Work and the Maniacs MissionPlay
1/12/25SNRichard ScheerStarting OverPlay
1/12/25SWRichard ScheerUncharted WatersPlay
1/8/25WNRichard ScheerJohn The Aposel An InterductionPlay
01/05/25SNRichard ScheerGod's Work Our HandsPlay
1/5/25SWRichard ScheerGod's Work Our HandsPlay
12/31/24COScott SandyThe Judgement Seat Of Christ Play
12/30/24COScott SandyThe Work of The LordPlay
12/29/24COScott SandyBegin Finishing Well - Study To Show Thyself ApprovedPlay
12/29/24COScott SandyBegin Finishing Well - Salvation Through Faith In ChristPlay
12/18/24WNRichard ScheerPrayerPlay
12/15/24SWRichard ScheerPlay
12/11/24WNRichard ScheerConcluding Remarks 103Play
12/8/24SWRichard ScheerStewardship Play
11/24/24SWScott SandyDedication: Bibles in Porteges Play
11/20/24WNRichard ScheerConcluding Remarks 102Play
11/17/24SWJose RodriguezPlay
11/13/24WNRichard ScheerConcluding Remarks 101Play
11/10/24SWRichard ScheerChristian CitisenshipPlay
11/6/24WNRichard ScheerChristian ConcernPlay
11/3/24SWRichard ScheerElections The Importance of CitizenshipPlay
10/30/24WNJohn BaileySacrifice of PraisePlay
10/27/24SWRichard ScheerSower and the Seed on Harvest SundayPlay
10/23/24WNRichard ScheerChristian CommunionPlay
10/20/24SWRichard ScheerThe Whole Armor of GodPlay
10/16/24WNRichard ScheerPlay
10/13/24SWRichard ScheerYour Adversary The DevilPlay
10/9/24WNRichard ScheerPlay
10/6/24SWRichard ScheerPlay
10/2/24WNRichard ScheerChristian ConsiderationPlay
9/29/24SWRichard ScheerBehold Our GodPlay
9/25/24WNRichard ScheerChristian CouargePlay
9/22/24SWRichard ScheerGod has a way of getting our attentionPlay
9/18/24WNRichard ScheerHebrews 13Play
9/15/24SWRichard ScheerCrossroadsPlay
9/11/24WNRichard ScheerPlay
9/8/24SNPaul ClarkMissionary to LondonPlay
9/8/24SWPaul ClarkMissionary to LondonPlay
9/8/24SSPaul ClarkMissionary to LondonPlay
9/4/24WNRichard ScheerHebrews 13:4Play
9/1/24SWRichard ScheerGods Promise and God's Warning to SolomonPlay
8/28/24WNRichard ScheerHebrews 13:1-3Play
8/25/24SNRichard ScheerWho then is willing to consecrate his service unto this day unto the LordPlay
8/25/24SWRichard ScheerThe Trials and Testings of Temptation Belong to the LordPlay
8/21/24WNRichard ScheerThe Stirring Conclusion Part 2Play
8/18/24SNRichard ScheerWhat to do When the Battle is WonPlay
8/18/24SWRichard ScheerPlay
8/14/24WNRichard ScheerThe Stirring ConclusionPlay
8/11/24SNRichard ScheerGod Ruling in Real Time Part 2Play
8/11/24SWRichard ScheerThe Conversion of Sinners in CorinthPlay
8/4/24SNRichard ScheerGod Ruling in Real Time Part 1Play
8/4/24SWRichard SchherWar and PeacePlay
7/31/24WNRichard Scheer Play
7/28/24SNRichard ScheerPersonal ConsequencesPlay
7/28/24SWRichard ScheerNational ConsequencesPlay
7/24/24WNRichard ScheerThe Need for Holy Life DemonstratedPlay
7/21/24SNRichard ScheerPlay
7/21/24SWRichard ScheerIs There Not Here a Prophet of the LordPlay
7/7/24SWRichard ScheerA Celebrity Convert Became a Celebrity ChristianPlay
7/3/24WNRichard ScheerThe Need for a Holy Life DeclaredPlay
6/30/24SNRichard SchherPsalm 94 A Call to VictoryPlay
6/30/24SWRichard Scheer Revival Recovery & Restoration: Nationally and PersonallyPlay
6/26/24WNRichard Scheerthe call to spiritual disciplinePlay
6/23/24SNRichard ScheerPlay
6/23/24SWRichard ScheerPlay
6/16/24SWRichard ScheerFather's DayPlay
6/12/24WNRichard ScheerThe Race Of FaithPlay
6/9/24SNJohn BaileyYou Can't Have One Without The OtherPlay
6/9/24SWRichard ScheerPlay
6/5/24WNRichard ScheerWherefore Accordingly Consequently On His AuthorityPlay
6/2/24SNTony SaxtonPlay
6/2/24SWTony SaxtonPlay
5/29/24WNRichard ScheerThe Final Charge of FaithPlay
5/26/24SNRichard ScheerIf The Foundations Be DestroyedPlay
5/26/24SWRichard ScheerDavid's Last Temptation Was One Of PrastigePlay
5/22/24WNRichard ScheerPatriots Of Faith Moses And His PeoplePlay
5/19/24SNRichard ScheerSeven Lessons Regarding What God Offers A Rebellious NationPlay
5/19/24SWRichard ScheerThe Spirtual Transformation Of An Notorious WomanPlay
5/12/24SWRichard ScheerMothers DayPlay
5/5/24SNRichard ScheerSaul A battle avoided and a skirmish alludedPlay
5/5/24SWChris Deaton How to get back on TrackPlay
5/1/24WNRichard ScheerPatriarchs of Faith Isaac, Jacob and JosephPlay
4/28/24SNRichard ScheerThe Glory Is Departed or The Glory Is RestoredPlay
4/28/24SWRichard ScheerVictories In Battle Failures In BattlePlay
4/24/24WNRichard ScheerPatriarchs of Faith AbrahamPlay
4/21/24SWRichard ScheerFailure In Warfare Part 1Play
4/17/24WNRichard ScheerPre Flood Examples Of FaithPlay
4/14/24SNRichard ScheerThis Is God’s Battle And Not Israel’s ConquestPlay
4/14/23SWRichard ScheerBattles Beginning And Ending Play
4/10/24WNStephen ScheerWhy Satan Wants Your Firstborn and What To Do About ItPlay
4/7/24SNJohn BaileyBenifits Of SalvationPlay
4/7/24SWGeoff KochEclipse PresentationPlay
4/3/24WNRichard ScheerFaith Without Repentance Is DeadPlay
3/31/24SWRichard ScheerEaster SundayPlay
3/24/24SWRichard ScheerThe Lion And The Lamb Of Palm SundayPlay
3/20/24WNRichard ScheerFaith And The CreationPlay
3/17/24SWRichard ScheerThe Son Of Man Is ComingPlay
3/14/24WNRichard ScheerFaith An OverviewPlay
3/10/24SWRichard ScheerThe Boy Posessed Bt A DemonPlay
3/6/24WNRichard ScheerThe Just Shall Live By FaithPlay
3/3/24SNRichard ScheerYe Have Forgotton To Take BreadPlay
3/3/24SWRichard ScheerPlay
2/28/24WNRichard ScheerChrist's Sacrifice Exposes A Timely Word Of Wisdom Play
2/25/24SNRichard ScheerThe Work Of Many Heads, Hearts and HandsPlay
2/25/24SWRichard ScheerWhat Is The Condition Of Our Fruit?Play
2/21/24WNRichard ScheerChrist's Sacrifice Exposes A Terrible Word Of WarningPlay
2/18/24SNRichard ScheerPlay
2/18/24SWRichard ScheerThe Battle For The MindPlay
2/14/24WNRichard ScheerChrist's Sacrifice Exposes The Great Warning Against ApostasyPlay
2/11/24SNRichard ScheerThe Most Powerful Nation Verses The Wealthiest NationPlay
2/11/24SWGary SauerVictory Isen't EasyPlay
2/7/24WNRichard ScheerChrist's Sacrifice Exposes The Great Reality Play
2/4/24SNRichard ScheerJacob's Burning Bush MomentPlay
2/4/24SWRichard ScheerThe Birth Place Of IsrealPlay
1/31/24WNRichard ScheerChrist's Sacrifice is Better Than The Old Testament SacrificesPlay
1/28/24SNRichard ScheerPlay
1/28/24SWRichard ScheerPlay
01/24/24WNRichard ScheerChrist's Sacrifice Is Better Then The LawPlay
01/10/23WNDr. BuriaThese ThingsPlay
01/07/23SNRichard ScheerThe Price Of Acting Outside The Plan Of GodPlay
01/07/23SWRichard ScheerThe Battle Belongs To The LordPlay
01/03/24WNRichard ScheerWe Have A Better Sacrifice Part 2Play
12/31/23SNTony SaxtonBegin Finishing Well - Get In The BoatPlay
12/30/23SATPastor Jason BaerBegin Finishing Well - Wise MenPlay
12/29/23FRIPastor Kevin KabelBegin Finishing Well - Don't Be DiscouragedPlay
12/24/23SWRichard ScheerWhat Child Is ThisPlay
12/20/23WNRichard ScheerThe Incarnation, An Inconvenient TruthPlay
12/17/23SNRichard ScheerPlay
12/17SWRichard ScheerThey Arose At The Avvent Of The NewsPlay
12/13/23WNRichard ScheerWe Have A Better Sacrifice Part 1Play
12/10/23SWRichard ScheerArise And Relize The Time Is Now To BuildPlay
12/6/23WNJohn BaileyPrayerPlay
12/3/23SWRichard ScheerThe True Grace Of In Which We Stand
11/29/23WNRichard ScheerWe Have A Better SacrificePlay
11/26/23SNRichard ScheerLife - A Biblical SurveyPlay
11/26/23SWRichard ScheerArise And Answer The CallPlay
11/19/23SWRichard ScheerPlay
11/12/23SNRichard ScheerAll Shall Know Whose Words Shall StandPlay
11/12/23SWRichard ScheerArise And Acknowledge The Mighty Hand Of GodPlay
11/8/23WNRichard ScheerWe Have A Better SanctuaryPlay
11/5/23SNRichard ScheerPlay
11/5/23SWRichard ScheerArise And Restore The ScripturesPlay
11/1/23WNRichad ScheerChrist Is Mediator Of A Better Covenant
10/29/23SNRichard ScheerThe Law Of The Harvest - The Law Of Cause & EffectPlay
10/29/23SWRichard ScheerThe Rechabites And Real LoyaltyPlay
10/25/23WNRichard ScheerThe Conclusion Of A Better Preist HoodPlay
10/22/23SNRichard ScheerGod's People Rejects God's Problems Play
10/22/23SWRichard ScheerWhy Church?Play
10/18/23WNRichard ScheerThe Immutable Priesthood Of ChristPlay
10/15/23SWRichard ScheerPlay
10/11/23WNRichard ScheerJesus Compared To MelchizedekPlay
10/8SNRichard ScheerPlay
10/8/23SWRichard ScheerArise And Face The TimePlay
10/4/23WNRichard ScheerThe Priestly Order Of MelchizedekPlay
10/1/23SNRichard ScheerThe Posion Of UnforgivenessPlay
10/1/23SWRichard ScheerUniversal Problem Arise And Repair Your UnforgivenessPlay
9/27/23WNRichard ScheerGive Me Abrahams FaithPlay
9/24/23SNRichard ScheerPlay
9/24/23SWRichard ScheerPlay
9/20/23WNRichard ScheerThe Food And Favor Of SalvationPlay
9/17/23SNRichard ScheerBible BelieversPlay
9/17/23SWRichard ScheerArise And Be FaithfulPlay
9/13/23WNRichard ScheerThose That Consider Returning To The Old Religious SystemPlay
9/10/23SNRichard ScheerA Theology Of Personhood Play
9/10/23SWRichad ScheerChrist LikenessPlay
9/6/23WNRichard ScheerEternal Security Play
9/3/23SWRichard ScheerThe Gender AgendaPlay
8/30/23WNRichard ScheerChrist Is A Better Priest To Those Who Are WeakPlay
8/27/23SNRichard ScheerFor By Faith We StandPlay
8/27/23SWRichard ScheerOur God Is The God Of Second ChancesPlay
8/23/23WNRichard ScheerThe Age Of Entitlement: Unwilling To Grow UpPlay
8/20/23SWRichard ScheerDo Not Arise And Disobey GodPlay
8/16/23WNRichard ScheerTabernacle In The WildernessPlay
8/13/23SNRichard ScheerArise And Put The Reserection In Proper ProspectivePlay
8/13/23SWRichard ScheerArise And Be Doing - Arise And Press Toward The MarkPlay
8/9/23WNRichard ScheerThe Choice of This PriestPlay
8/6/23SNRichard ScheerARISE and WatchPlay
8/6/23SWRichard ScheerARISE and FleePlay
8/2/23WNRichard ScheerThe Choice of This PriestPlay
7/30/23SNRichard ScheerThere Arose Another Generation Which Knew Not The LORDPlay
7/30/23SWRichard ScheerARISE O LORDPlay
7/26/23WNRichard ScheerFor We Have A Great High PriestPlay
7/23/23SNRichard ScheerWhy Sit We Here Till We DiePlay
7/23/23SWRichard ScheerArise to Your Calling or Arise to Your FallingPlay
7/16/23SWRichard ScheerPlay
7/9/23SWRichard ScheerPlay
7/5/23WNRichard ScheerPlay
7/2/23SWRichard ScheerPlay
6/28/23WNRichard ScheerTrue Peace To Be Considered Play
6/11/23SWRichard ScheerPlay
6/11/23SNRichard ScheerPlay
6/7/23WNRichard ScheerPlay
6/4/23SNRichard ScheerPlay
6/4/23SWRichard ScheerPlay
5/31/23WNRichard ScheerPlay
5/28/23SNRichard ScheerPlay
5/28/23SWRichard ScheerPlay
5/24/23WNRichard ScheerFailed To Enter In Because Of UnbeliefPlay
3/22/23WNRichard ScheerChrist's Soverenignty As ManPlay
3/15/23WNRichard ScheerThe Experience Of The Sonship Of Christ By MenPlay
3/8/23WNRichard ScheerComparing Spiritual Things With SpiritualPlay
2/8/23WNRichard Scheer The Expression If The Sonship Of Christ By GodPlay
1/29/23SNRichard ScheerPlay
1/29/23SWRichard ScheerArise and Be DoingPlay
1/22/23SWRichard ScheerPlay
1/18/23WNRichard ScheerThe Epistle To The Hebrews Play
1/15/23SNRichard ScheerPlay
1/15/23SWRichard ScheerPlay
1/11/23WNRichard ScheerThe Epistle To The Hebrews Message 2Play
1/8/23SNRichard ScheerArise and Be DoingPlay
1/8/23SWRichard ScheerArise and Be DoingPlay
1/4/23WNRichard ScheerThe Epistle To The Hebrews Message 1Introduction to the Book of Hebrews
10/23/22SNRichard ScheerPlay
7/24/22SWJordan KureckiGuest SpeakerJordan Kurecki - Missionary to Uganda
7/10/22SWRichard ScheerPlay
7/6/22WNRichard ScheerPlay
7/3/22SWRichard ScheerIf the Foundations be Destroyed, What Can the Christians Do?
6/26/22SNRichard ScheerRefocusRefocus on History
6/26/22SWRichard ScheerTribute Sunday
6/12/22SNChris LuppinoPlay
6/12/22SWChris LuppinoPlay
6/1/22WNRichard ScheerPlay
5/29/22SNRichard ScheerPlay
5/29/22SWRichard ScheerNo One Left Behind
5/22/22SWRichard ScheerRefocusRefocus Your Appetites
5/18/22WNRichard ScheerPlay
5/15/22SNRichard ScheerPlay
5/15/22SWRichard ScheerPlay
5/11/22WNRichard ScheerPlay
5/8/22SWRichard ScheerPlay
5/4/22WNRichard ScheerRefocusIn His Presence, Refocus
5/1/22SNRichard ScheerPlay
5/1/22SWRichard ScheerPlay
4/27/22WNRichard ScheerSamuel's State of the Union Address
4/24/22SNDan BochynskiPlay
4/24/22SWGary SauerGuest SpeakerPlay
4/10/22SNRichard ScheerPlay
4/10/22SWRichard ScheerPlay
4/3/22SNRichard ScheerPlay
4/3/22SWRichard ScheerPlay
3/20/22SNRichard ScheerPlay
3/20/22SWRichard ScheerRefocusIn Order to See The Kingdoms For What They Are We Need To Refocus
3/13/22SNRichard ScheerPlay
3/13/22SWTony SaxtonPlay
3/6/22SNRichard ScheerRefocusI See Men As Trees
3/6/22SWCEFGuest SpeakerPlay
3/2/22WNRichard ScheerPlay
2/27/22SWRichard ScheerPlay
2/23/22WNRichard ScheerPlay
2/20/22SWScott SandyGuest SpeakerBearing Precious Seed
2/13/22SNRichard ScheerWhen They See War, They Return
2/13/22SWGary SauerGuest SpeakerPlay
2/6/22SNRichard ScheerRefocusWhat Belongs to the Lord?
2/6/22SWRichard ScheerRefocusReconsider What We Owe
2/2/22WNRichard ScheerPlay
1/30/22SWRichard ScheerHow to Ignore a Spiritual Midlife Crisis
1/26/22WNRichard ScheerHope and Holiness in a Hostile World
1/23/22SNRichard ScheerRefocusA Biblical Presentation of the Gospel
1/23/22SWRichard ScheerRefocusWho is My Neighbor?
1/19/22WNRichard ScheerPlay
1/16/22SNRichard ScheerRefocusI see Not, Nor Perceive
1/12/22WNRichard ScheerPlay
1/9/22SWRichard ScheerRefocusPeter
1/2/22SWRichard ScheerRefocusVision 2022 - Refocus
12/31/21CORodney MeyersBegin Finishing WellNew Years Eve
11/28/21SWRichard ScheerThe King is ComingPlay
11/21/21SWRichard ScheerThe King is ComingPlay
11/14/21SNRichard ScheerPlay
11/14/21SWTony SaxtonPlay
11/7/21SNRichard ScheerPlay
11/7/21SWRichard ScheerPlay
10/17/21SWRichard ScheerThe King is ComingPlay
10/10/21SWRichard ScheerThe King is ComingPlay
10/3/21SWRichard ScheerThe King is ComingThe Resurrection and the Rapture
9/26/21SWRichard ScheerThe King is ComingWhat Does Paul Say About the Return of the Lord?
9/19/21SWRichard ScheerThe King is ComingWhat the Believer Should Do Before the Coming of the Lord
7/18/21SWRichard ScheerHow Should I Respond to a Christian Who Doesn't See Their Shortcomings?
7/4/21SWRichard ScheerPatriotism and Its Proper Biblical Perspective
6/27/21SWGary SauerGuest SpeakerAthletes in Rochester Update
6/6/21SWRichard ScheerThe King Is ComingThe King Is Coming To You
5/30/21SWRichard ScheerThe Times of the Gentiles
5/16/21SWRichard ScheerThe King Is ComingThe King Is Coming to His Heavenly Father
5/9/21SWRichard ScheerMothers Day 2021
3/21/21SNRichard ScheerThe King Is ComingThe King Is Coming For the Financial and Political Extortionists
3/21/21SWRichard ScheerThe King Is ComingThe King Is Coming For the Visually Impaired
3/14/21SNRichard ScheerThe King Is ComingThe King Is Coming to the Outcast
3/14/21SWRichard ScheerThe King Is ComingThe King Is Coming For the Child-like
3/7/21SWRichard ScheerThe King Is ComingThe King Is Coming, Even to a Canaanite Woman
2/28/21SWRichard ScheerThe King Is ComingJesus Rejected at Nazareth
1/31/21SNTony SaxtonThe King Is ComingI Wish I Have Given Him More of My Heart
1/31/21SWTony SaxtonThe King Is ComingThe King Is Coming
1/24/31SWTony SaxtonThe King Is ComingOverwhelmed
1/17/21SNRichard ScheerThe King Is ComingYe Shall Find Rest Unto Your Souls
1/17/21SWRichard ScheerThe King Is ComingCome Unto Me and I WIll Give You Rest
1/13/21WNRichard ScheerThe King Is ComingPlay
1/10/21SWRichard ScheerThe King Is ComingFour Different Responses to Bible Prophecy
1/3/21SWRichard ScheerThe King Is ComingThe King Is Coming
12/30/20COScott StrobelBegin Finishing Well ConferencePlay
12/29/20CONick RussoBegin Finishing Well ConferencePlay
12/27/20SWDan BochynskiPlay
12/20/20SWRichard ScheerThe Reason for the Season
12/13/20SNTony SaxtonGuest SpeakerPrayerless Times
12/6/20SWDr. Orlando BuriaGuest SpeakerGod is the Owner, You are the Manager
11/22/20SWRichard ScheerCourage
11/8/20SNRichard ScheerGod's Word to God's People: Delivered and Rejected
11/8/20SWRichard ScheerAsked the Man of God for Guidance from God
11/1/20SWRichard ScheerTruth Has Fallen in the Street
10/25/20SWRichard ScheerFundamental Change: Revolution or Revelation?
10/18/20SWRichard ScheerSpiritual Ambassador Confronts Political Ambassadors
10/11/20SNRichard ScheerA Plea to Return to the Lord
10/11/20SWRichard ScheerPolitics and the People of God
9/30/20WNRichard ScheerChrist Likeness in the Believer and in the Church Body
9/27/20SNRichard ScheerPlay
9/27/20SWRichard ScheerPlay
8/26/20WNRichard ScheerPlay
7/8/20WNRichard ScheerThe Straw that Broke the Camel's Back
7/5/20SWRichard ScheerAn Historic Model of Our Present Time
7/1/20WNRichard ScheerThe Ark Encounter
6/28/20SWRichard ScheerRacism from a Biblical Perspective
6/24/20WNRichard ScheerMadnes of the Mob and the Serenity of the Saint
6/21/20SWRichard ScheerFather of the Fatherless
6/17/20WNRichard ScheerGuard Your Heart
6/14/20SWRichard ScheerWhen Your World is Unraveling
6/10/20WNRichard ScheerConsequences of Spiritual Indifference
6/7/20SWRichard ScheerTwo Nations and Two Natures
6/3/20WNRcihard ScheerCrisis of Citizenship
5/31/20SWVince LaRueGuest SpeakerMissionary: Vince LaRue
5/27/20WNRichard ScheerLiving as the People of God
5/24/20SWRichard ScheerMemorial Day Tribute & Church Re-Opening Update
5/20/20WNRichard ScheerThy Gentleness Hath Made Me Great
5/17/20SWRichard ScheerPeace in the Midst of the Storm
5/13/20WNRichard ScheerSpiritual Open Heart Surgery
5/10/20SWRichard ScheerEve: The Mother of Us All
5/6/20WNRichard ScheerCaves of Our Own Making
5/3/20SWRichard ScheerCaves of Our Own Making
4/29/20WNRichard ScheerDual Citizenship for a Christian
4/26/20SWRichard ScheerRuth: Old Testament Prodigal Family
4/22/20WNRichard ScheerStorms from a Biblical Perspective
4/19/20SWRichard ScheerTreasures - The True Heart LocatorThe Vision for Generosity: Rich Fool
4/15/20WNRichard ScheerTreasures - The True Heart LocatorWhat Can Obscure Our Vision of God?
4/12/20SWRichard ScheerRevelation of the Passion
4/10/20SpecialRichard ScheerGood Friday From Jesus' Perspective
4/5/20SWRichard ScheerGo in Peace from The Prince of Peace
4/1/20WNRichard ScheerMaster Class: Physical and Spiritual Healing
3/29/20SWRichard ScheerCOVID-19 From Paul's Perspective
3/25/20WNRichard ScheerThe Ultimate Object Lesson
3/22/20SWRichard ScheerReconnecting with Our Family
3/11/20WNRichard ScheerTreasures - The True Heart LocatorThe Sabbath Rest
3/8/20SWRichard ScheerTreasures - The True Heart LocatorIdols in the Promised Land
3/1/20SWRichard ScheerTreasures - The True Heart LocatorIdols in the Wilderness
2/23/20SNRichard ScheerTreasures - The True Heart LocatorMoses Meets With God and God Meets With Moses
2/23/20SWRichard ScheerThe gods that Haunt Us
2/19/20WNRichard ScheerThe Least Likely Leader
2/16/20SNRichard ScheerThe Annointing of Jesus in Bethany
2/16/20SWRichard ScheerNothing Over, No Lack
2/9/20SWRichard ScheerHeart Issues
2/5/20WNRichard ScheerThe Value of Your Testimony - Reuben and Judah
2/2/20SNRichard ScheerHouse of God
2/2/20SWGary SauerGuest SpeakerLessons from the Red Sea Crossing
1/26/20SNRichard ScheerPlay
1/26/20SWRichard ScheerSituational Blessings vs God's Promise
1/22/2020WNRichard ScheerFrom Life Unto Life
1/19/2020SNRichard ScheerTreasures - The True Heart LocatorWhere Your Treasure Is
1/19/2020SWRichard ScheerSanctity of Life Sunday/a>
1/12/2020SNRichard ScheerTreasures - The True Heart LocatorWhen Our Stuff is Taken
1/8/2020WNRichard ScheerTreasures - The True Heart LocatorAbraham into Egypt
1/5/2020SWRichard ScheerThe Will of God for the Child and Church of God
12/31/2019COMark BrownBegin Finishing WellAbove All
12/30/2019COMark BrownBegin Finishing WellLoss - not yet available
12/29/2019COMark BrownBegin Finishing WellGifted
12/29/2019COMark BrownBegin Finishing WellPromised
12.22.19SWRichard ScheerGod With Us
12/15/2019SWRichard ScheerMy Words Shall Not Pass Away
12/8/2019SNRichard ScheerHeresy or Orthodox
12/8/2019SWRichard ScheerThe Faithful Few
12/4/2019WNRichard ScheerThe Glory of the Lord
11/24/2019SWScott SandyThe Capitalized Word
11/20/2019WNRichard ScheerWholesome Words
11/17/2019SNRichard ScheerDon't Quit, Because God Doesn't
11/17/2019SWRichard ScheerPlay
11/13/2019WNRichard ScheerPlay
11/6/2019WNRichard ScheerA Prophet's Providential Protection
11/3/2019SWRichard ScheerNo Pain No Gain, No Faith No Fruit
10/30/2019WNRichard ScheerJeremiah 22 vs 29
10/27/2019SNRichard ScheerA Subnormal Christian Life
10/27/2019SWRichard ScheerLearning, Growing, Maturing, Perfecting
10/23/2019WNRichard ScheerWhere Do You Find Practical Wisdom?
10/20/2019SNDr. Orlando BuriaPlay
10/20/2019SWRichard ScheerThe Apostle as an Ambassador
10/13/2019SNRichard ScheerPlay
10/13/2019SWRichard ScheerThere is a Famine in the Land
10/9/2019WNRichard ScheerHosea
10/6/2019SNRichard ScheerHis Word Shall Not Return Void
10/6/2019SWRichard ScheerProphecy
9/29/2019SNLost and Found
9/29/2019SWGod's Word Preserved
9/25/2019WNChad BraleyGuest SpeakerPlay
9/11/2019WNRichard ScheerHezekiah
9/8/2019SWRichard ScheerWhat is Your Level of Involvement?
9/4/2019WNRichard ScheerPlay
8/28/2019WNRichard ScheerAuthentic Ministry Built on an Authentic Approach to the Word of God
8/25/2019SNRichard ScheerIn the End, God Ultimately Gains the Victory
8/25/2019SWRichard ScheerPlay
8/18/2019SNRichard ScheerDeath: A Biblical Perspective
8/18/2019SWRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordAs It Is Written
8/14/2019WNDan BochynskiA Perfect God
8/11/2019SNRichard ScheerBut If Any Man Love God
8/7/2019WNRichard ScheerPlay
7/10/2029WNRichard ScheerReckless Driving
6/19/2019WNRichard ScheerPlay
6/12/2019WNRichard ScheerHow to Study the BibleRules of Bible Study
6/9/2019SWRichard ScheerClean Through the Word
6/2/2019SWRichard ScheerPlay
5/29/2019WNRichard ScheerPlay
5/26/2019SNTony SaxtonThe Method For Missionaries
5/26/2019SWTony SaxtonPlay
5/22/2019WNJohn BaileyPlay
5/19/2019SNJason ScheerPlay
5/19/2019SWRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordThe Ever Speaking Voice
5/15/2019WNRichard ScheerLoyalty Forged Through Adversity
5/12/2019SWRichard ScheerMother's Day 2019
5/5/2019SWTony SaxtonGuest SpeakerPlay
4/28/2019SWRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordThe First Words
4/24/2019WNThe Prayer of Hannah
4/21/2019SWRichard ScheerEaster
4/17/2019WNNotre Dame
4/14/2019SNOrlando BuriaPlay
4/7/2019SWRichard ScheerThe Lord's Table and the Fellowship of the Church
4/3/2019WNRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordThe Word of God from the Voice of God
3/24/2019SNRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordHow to Minister the Word of God
3/24/2019SWRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordForfeiting Your Spiritual Inheritance
3/17/2019SWRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordCan You Be Accused of Despising The Word of God?
3/10/2019SNObservation - Things that are Unlike & True to Life
3/10/2019SWRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordTen Strategies for Effective Reading
3/6/2019WNRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordObervations - Things that are Alike
3/3/2019SNRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordObservation - Things that are Repeated
3/3/2019SWRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordThe Blueprint for the Pattern and the Project
2/20/2019WNRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordJoshua's Devotional Life Paved the Way for His Ministry
2/17/2019SNRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordPsalm 119 - Part A
2/17/2019SWRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordRead the Bible Through, You Can't Recall What You Haven't Read
2/10/2019SNRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordWhat Prepared David for Leadership
2/10/2019SWRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordInspiration - A Biblical Perspective
1/27/2019SNRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordPlay
1/27/2019SWRichard ScheerField of the Innocents
1/23/2019WNRichard ScheerThe Essential and Enduring WordMaking God's Word Obsolete
12/31/2018CODale MoneyBegin Finishing WellPlay
12/30/2018CODale MoneyBegin Finishing WellPlay
12/30/2018CODale MoneyBegin Finishing WellPlay
12/29/2018CODale MoneyBegin Finishing WellPlay
12/26/2018WNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPlay
12/23/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipThe Divine Announcement
12/19/2018WNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPlay
12/16/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPlay
12/12/2018WNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPlay
12/9/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipWorship - A Biblical Definition
12/9/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPlay
12/5/2018WNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipDoes Music Matter?
12/2/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipThe Cause of Our Musical Blindness
12/2/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipAssessing Our Musical Choices
11/28/2018WNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipHymns and the Changing Lanscape of Christian Worship
11/25/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipLeanness Unto Our Souls
11/25/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipAn Invitation to Worship
11/18/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipThankfulness and Praise from the Sheep in the Fold
11/18/2018SWScott SandyGuest SpeakerGod Made Two Great Lights
11/11/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPraise in the Psalms
11/11/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipVeteran's Day - Parallels with Church History
11/7/2018WNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipThe Day After Election Day
11/4/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPlay
10/28/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipHow Great is Our God
10/28/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipHow to Spiritually Rebuild a Nation
10/24/2018WNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPlay
10/21/2018SNMark PalmaGuest SpeakerSports and Ministry - Mark Palma
10/21/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPlay
10/17/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPlay
10/14/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipRestoring Biblical Worship
10/14/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipThe Lord's Supper - The Entire Church Stayed
10/10/2018WNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipBiblical Worship Restored
10/7/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipWorship
10/7/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipSacrifices for Sanctification
9/30/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipThe Four Horsemen - Part 6
9/30/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPlay
9/23/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipA Man of God Praying For His Nation
9/23/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipThe God of Music
9/19/2018WNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipDevotion to Jesus
9/16/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipThe Four Horsemen - Part 4
9/16/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipThe Matter of Music - In the Beginning
9/12/2018WNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipWhen Our Planning Runs Contrary to God's Planning - Peter
9/9/2018SNRodney MeyersGuest SpeakerPlay
9/9/2018SWRodney MeyersGuest SpeakerPlay
9/9/2018SSRodney MeyersGuest SpeakerPlay
9/5/2018WNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipGod Looking For a Man
9/2/2018SWRichard ScheerLabor for LifeSpeaking Truth Into the Abortion Debate - How Words Matter
8/29/2018WNRichard ScheerThe Glory of God Departed from the People of God
8/26/2018SNRichard ScheerThe Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse - Part 3
8/26/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipFalse Worship - National Idolatry
8/22/2018WNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipHeavenly Worship Tribulation
8/19/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipThe Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse - Part 2
8/19/2018SWRichard ScheerFalse Worship and Counterfeit Spirituality
8/15/2018WNRichard ScheerTheological Platforms - Biblical and Unbiblical
8/12/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipThe Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse
8/8/2018WNRichard ScheerBeware of False Performers and Pretentious Promoters
7/8/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipCaves Provide Closets for God's People
6/27/2018WNDan BochynskiIntro to Christian Apologetics
6/24/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipFalse Worship
6/6/2018WNRichard ScheerFellowship of His Suffering
5/30/2018WNRichard ScheerPlay
5/27/2018SNRichard ScheerPlay
5/20/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipThe Folly of Idolatry
5/16/2018WNRichard ScheerA Psalm of David
5/9/2018WNRichard ScheerPlay
5/6/2018SWJames OvertonGuest SpeakerPlay
4/29/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPlay
4/29/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipAn Invitation to Worship
4/25/2018WNRichard ScheerPlay
4/22/2018SWRuth Mickle / Richard ScheerGuest SpeakerPlay
4/11/2018WNRichard ScheerPlay
4/8/2018SWRichard ScheerPlay
3/28/2018WNRichard ScheerPassion Week
3/25/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipFailure to Worship the God Who Is
3/25/2018SWEd CullenGuest SpeakerGuest Missionary from St. Croix - Acts 26
3/18/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipWorship - When God Exposes Himself and Reveals Me
3/18/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipThe Work of Man is Not the Worship of God
3/4/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPlay
3/4/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipWorship Worthy of Praise
2/25/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPlay
2/21/2018WNOrlando BuriaHeart of WorshipLessons on Worship from Matthew 2
2/18/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipAwe Gone Awry
2/18/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPsalm 34
2/11/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipWorship Was After the Wonder
2/11/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipMan's First War of Wars
2/4/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipPlay
2/4/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipWhen True Worship Begins
1/28/2018SNRichard ScheerPlay
1/28/2018SWRichard ScheerSolomon's Challenge - Sanctity of Life
1/24/2018WNRichard ScheerA Stand Alone Christian
1/21/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipWorship and National Revival
1/21/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipTrue Worship Has Been Resisted Since the Beginning
1/17/2018WNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipWorship - The War Without and the War Within
1/14/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipWorship - The Heart is the Key - Part 2
1/14/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipWorship - The Heart is the Key - Part 1
1/10/2018WNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipIf I Am Not Lord of All, I Am Not Lord at All
1/7/2018SNRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipWorship - First Mention
1/7/2018SWRichard ScheerHeart of WorshipHeart of Worship Vision Message
12/31/2017COArt KohlBegin Finishing WellPlay
12/30/2017COPete WigdorBegin Finishing WellPlay
12/29/2017CODoug ClineBegin Finishing WellPlay
12/28/2017COLou GuadagnoBegin Finishing WellPlay
12/27/2017CODave ConstantinoBegin Finishing WellPlay
12/13/2017WNRichard ScheerFinalizing the Remaining Details
12/3/2017SWRichard ScheerPlay
11/26/2017SWRichard ScheerFrom the Hall of Fame to the Hall of Shame
11/15/2017WNRichard ScheerPlay
11/12/2017SNRichard ScheerConversional Christianity
11/12/2017SWRichard ScheerThe Manifestation and the Demonstration of Grace
11/8/2017WNRichard ScheerThe Voice of the Martyrs
11/1/2017WNOrlando BuriaPrayer
10/29/2017SWRichard ScheerThe Reformation
10/25/2017WNRichard ScheerPlay
10/22/2017SNRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationThe Transfer of Power and Leadership
10/22/2017SWRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationThe Fateful Realization that Nobody Has Stood Up to Lead
10/18/2017WNRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationWhen Tradition and Conviction are Compromised
10/15/2017SNDave StrzelewiczPlay
10/15/2017SWRichard ScheerIt is Well
10/11/2017WNRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationMolded and Perfected by the Hands of God
10/8/2017SNRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationEnduring Truth Claims
10/8/2017SWRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationHis Truth Endureth to All Generations
10/1/2017SNRichard ScheerHow We Die Shows Others How to Live
10/1/2017SWRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationAlmost Christian
9/27/2017WNRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationModel Your Praise to All Generations
9/20/2017WNRichard ScheerHis Strength
9/17/2017SWRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationGod Revealed from Generation to Generation
9/13/2017WNRichard ScheerGod's Divine Interception
9/10/2017SNRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationHow Our Spiritual Battles Have Eternal Consequences
9/10/2017SWRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationA Tale of Two Destinies
9/3/2017SWRichard ScheerThe Sanctity of Every Human Life
8/23/2017WNRichard ScheerEclipse
8/20/2017SWJosh ToddGuest SpeakerLessons from Gethsemane
8/20/2017SSJosh ToddGuest SpeakerPlay
8/16/2017WNRichard ScheerPlay
8/13/2017SWRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationChildren Called by God
8/6/2017SNRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationHer Choice Sealed Her Family Legacy
7/30/2017SWRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationTeach Us What We Shall Do Unto the Child Which Shall be Born
7/23/2017SNRichard ScheerPlay
7/23/2017SWRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationTradition - The Connection From One Generation to Another
7/19/2017WNRichard ScheerPlay
7/12/2017WNRichard ScheerPlay
7/9/2017SNRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationDeceived in the Promised Land
7/9/2017SWRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationA Generation Which Had No Faith
7/5/2017WNRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationMoses, My Servant is Dead
7/2/2017SWSteve PendellGuest SpeakerMy Weakness is God's Strength
6/28/2017WNJohn BaileyPlay
6/25/2017SNDave StrzelewiczPlay
6/25/2017SWOrlando BuriaGuest SpeakerPsalm 78
6/18/2017SWRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationInheritance, What are You Leaving Behind?
6/14/2017WNRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationRenew the Covenant of with the Generation of Faith
6/11/2017SWRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationPlay
6/4/2017SNRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationChildren Are Wet Cement - Part 2
6/4/2017SWRichard ScheerGeneration to GenerationChildren Are Wet Cement - Part 1

First Bible Baptist Church
555 Central Ave.
Lancaster, NY 14086
Tel: (716) 684-5525

Service Times
Sunday School - 9:00AM
Morning Worship - 10:30AM
Sunday Evening - 6:00PM
Wednesday Evening - 7:00PM