

At First Bible Baptist Church,
we are a team joined in common purpose
to know Jesus Christ more fully
and make Him more fully known.

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    March 30

    Men’s Prayer Meeting
    Join us at 8AM as we pray for the church, our community and our personal as well as corporate commission.

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    April 18

    Good Friday Evening Service

    At 7PM we will gather to reflect upon what took place at the Cross of Calvary

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    April 20

    Resurrection Sunday

    Life Group Class 9:00AM
    Worship Service: 10:30AM

    No Evening Service

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    May 11

    Mother’s Day
    Join us as we celebrate this special day of the year. Plan to invite that special mom, grandmother, aunt, friend, neighbor or co-worker. There will be no evening service on Mother’s Day.

First Bible Baptist Church
555 Central Ave.
Lancaster, NY 14086
Tel: (716) 684-5525

Service Times
Sunday School - 9:00AM
Morning Worship - 10:30AM
Sunday Evening - 6:00PM
Wednesday Evening - 7:00PM